
Update from July 2008.
We are in the process of expanding the task force. Virginia and Alabama Clean Cities coordinators have been joining our calls and we will be adding their info and changing the graphics to include their states, but we are also working on adding Florida. Hopefully Kentucky and Mississippi can be added before the end of the year and then the group will represent all of the DOE southern region.
See the comment below from 2007 on what we are collectively doing right now. If you'd like to join our whole southeastern conference calls that are held every other month, just contact Greg Riggs (our email list point person) and ask to be included on the email list for the SEAFTF (greg.riggs@sealtfuels.org).
Update from August 2007.
Welcome to the Web site for the Southeast Alternative Fuels Task Force. Please use this site to learn more about our team and what we do: Communicate & Collaborate.
Simply put, we are working to expand the availability and use of alternative fuels and hybrids in our four states (and more recently -- 2007 -- invovling some participation from Clean Cities coalitions in Alabama and Arkansas). As a completely volunteer organization, we do our best to have an impact. However, it has become clear over the last year plus that we have limitations. We were attempting to focus on developing "clean corridors," or interstate routes along which alternative fuels are easily accessible but have scaled back somewhat recently. We do, though, have a couple of multi-state projects that are on-goings that are directly providing funding into our states to bring more B20 and E85 stations.
Our work is concentrated on expanding access to the two biofuels, biodiesel and ethanol.
Latter 2007 Update
More recently we are focusing our work on just holding monthly multi-state conference calls. The way they work is that we hold a whole task force call one month, then hold separate state calls in most of the states on the in-between months, then repeat. (If you are interested in getting in on any of these calls, please contact any of the folks listed on the "Contact Us" page.) Hence the new motto "Communication & Collaboration."
With all the great work we are doing for the environment, it can be rewarding to take a break sometimes to play the lottery online. One of the best things about
playing online is that with lotteries, new millionaires are created every day.
We all have connections to others in our states who are helping lead the transition to greater use of all the alt fuels, not just biodiesel and ethanol, so please don't hesitate to contact any of us or decide to join us on the calls if you want to learn more about what is happening in the central Southeast with alternative fuels!
We are just now starting to place all our conference call records on that page, so watch for data that we discuss and share to begin being placed there!